Credit goes out to kdetech over on the insanelymac forum for his post Booting Snow Leopard Retail in 3 easy steps!, Snow leopard retail DVD boot which details steps for installing snow leopard and had links for a modified boot-132 disk that will boot the snow leopard retail DVD.
Kdetech notes “This will only work on a vanilla capable PC, so no AMD. “
I’m still waiting on my Snow Leopard DVD to arrive from Macmall, it’ll probably arrive at my home while I am gone to dragon-con.
I’ve already downloaded the special boot-132 cd ISO image and I will be using kdetech’s guide to try to install Snow Leopard on my hackintosh
I promise to report my results and any needed software or steps to get snow leopard up and running on my D945gclf Atom Hackintosh.
I remain your obedient servant,
Doctor Eviil