Sunday, August 30, 2009

Booting Snow Leopard Retail in 3 easy steps!, Snow leopard retail DVD boot


Credit goes out to kdetech over on the insanelymac forum for his post Booting Snow Leopard Retail in 3 easy steps!, Snow leopard retail DVD boot which details steps for installing snow leopard and had links for a modified boot-132 disk that will boot the snow leopard retail DVD.

Kdetech notes “This will only work on a vanilla capable PC, so no AMD.

I’m still waiting on my Snow Leopard DVD to arrive from Macmall, it’ll probably arrive at my home while I am gone to dragon-con.

I’ve already downloaded the special boot-132 cd ISO image and I will be using kdetech’s guide to try to install Snow Leopard on my hackintosh

I promise to report my results and any needed software or steps to get snow leopard up and running on my D945gclf Atom Hackintosh.

I remain your obedient servant,

Doctor Eviil

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Snow Leopard on a Intel Atom D945GCLF?

Well I bought a copy of Snow Leopard 10.6 online from for $24.99 after reading that the snow leopard “upgrade” disk is in fact a full copy that doesn’t check for the previous OS and will install on a Intel Mac system with a blank hard drive.

I’ve been researching and have found that for the most part most people can install Snow leopard on their hackintosh systems by using the boot-132 boot cd method and either the latest version of chameleon or the pc efi software from netkas.

I’m going to be switching my hackintosh over to using a serial ata 120 GB hard drive from my original 40 gig IDE so I’ll document the steps I had to take to get my hackintosh back up and running and I’ll post my results in a later article.

Next week I’ll be headed down to Atlanta, GA Thursday evening 7-3-2009 to attend the Dragon-Con Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention and I won’t be back home until the sometime in the afternoon on Labor Day so it’ll be a little while before I have time to actually sit down and work on getting snow leopard installed on my hackintosh.

Until then, I remain your obedient Servant…

Doctor Evil

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Well my D945GCLF Atom Hackintosh survived the new 10.5.8 update


I noticed after my system had rebooted it had reverted me again to 1024x768 resolution which doesn’t look nice when you are using a 24 inch monitor.

Possible solutions to fix this issue are to hard code the boot.plist file to use the proper resolution but I didn’t feel like messing with that so I just reinstalled the D945GCLF2 driver package found here and then I rebooted the system again, and Bamm I’m back to 1920x1080 on my Gorgeous Dell S2409W 24 Inch Monitor. God I love the picture on this monitor.


I may investigate an easier way to keep my monitor running at the native resolution, but for now I have to finish up the Internet College Algebra class I’m taking. the website doesn’t work too well on non windows computers so I’ve been having to spend all my time on my Windows Vista Ultimate system (soon to be Windows 7 Ultimate as soon as Technet releases the ISO images and serial numbers to technet suscribers)